• 预行程/培训

    Private schools must use private school forms.

    预行程/培训 Authorization must include documentation for every estimated expense. Please see Travel 培训 Estimate Guide below for more information.

    GSA的饭菜 & 杂费崩溃

    2023里程税$0.655 (.655) cents a mile (January 1 - June 30)

    2023 Per Diem begins October 1, 2022

    You do not need to submit a W-9 for Travel/培训


    Title II - A Travel/培训 Approval Process 资源

    The travel and training must be included in your Comprehensive Needs Assessment Plan. Portland Public 线上博彩平台 is unable to pre-pay expenses for travel, including registration and airfare. 根据拨款规则, THE INDIVIDUAL TEACHER OR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR, 不是私立线上博彩平台, 必须支付所有费用. Costs paid by the private school will not be reimbursed.