Arleta 6年级


5109东南66大道波特兰,OR 97206Ph 503-916-6330Fx 503-916-2604

Ph Fx

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  • 小麦克丹尼尔在州独奏音乐比赛中获得最高荣誉

    当贝克汉姆·韦瑟比(Beckham Weatherby)拿起他的大号时,世界的其他部分就消失了. 

    “我不会那么紧张,也不会怯场,”他说. “我想我的身体对在人群面前表演的反应是幸运的.”

    这是麦克丹尼尔高中三年级学生最近经常做的事情吗. Not only is he a member of the prestigious Portland Youth Philharmonic (PYP) and the PYP conservatory orchestra, but he recently earned first prize in the tuba solo performance category at the Oregon State Solo Music Championships.

  • 一路平安,艾丽小姐:在PPS工作了50年的老师退休了


    The first things you notice when you walk into Ellie 詹森’s classroom at 博伊西-艾略特/洪堡小学 are peace and warmth. 然后你听到孩子们的笑声. Then you just might see two posters hanging on the walls that tell you a great deal about the kind of teacher she has been for the past 50 years. 海报上简单地写着:“无论你走到哪里,都留下一点光芒”和“做一个朋友”.”

    詹森, known as “Miss Ellie” to the hundreds of students she has taught in her half a century as a Portland Public Schools educator, 忍不住要点亮房间. 她是所有孩子的朋友. 

  • 食品储藏室得到改造,由麦克丹尼尔的CTE艺术学生提供

    We dare you to drive by the Mainspring Food Pantry on the corner of 82nd Avenue and Fremont and not do a double take. 或者三拍. 

    Students from McDaniel High School’s art-focused Career Technical Education (CTE) class have spent the last four weeks turning the exterior walls of the pantry into one, 巨大的, 快乐的壁画是课程探索气候正义和社区参与的一部分.

  • Earthstock给水晶舞厅带来欢乐

     两个学生在Earthstock 2024跳舞.

    30多年前,麦迪逊高中的学生约瑟夫·詹森有一个简单的愿望. 他想去参加舞会. 但对约瑟来说,没有什么是简单的, 他生来就患有杜氏肌萎缩症,只能坐在轮椅上吗. 

    他向托尼·尼兹吐露了他的愿望, 他当时是麦迪逊大学的教育助理(现在的利奥迪斯. 麦克丹尼尔高中). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months and he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.

    “事实是,我愿意为约瑟夫做任何事,”尼茨说. “他是一个独特的人,我们之间有一种非常特殊的联系.”



  • 校长寄语05/17/2024


    我们的员工被上周所有的甜蜜和关怀填满了! 这里有一些 感谢信 为了我们的社区.

    同时请求! Everything you can do to get your child to school right before 8 (so they’re in class ready to start the school day by the 8:00 bell) and to help your child stay focused on school and learning is greatly appreciated! 跨年级, children get a little unsettled this time of year with looming 变化 to their schedules and circumstances, 不管这些变化是人们所期待的, 变化带来了一些焦虑, 和/或中间的任何地方.

    I hope as many families as possible are able to miss or make it quickly through the viruses going around. 我们都经常洗手,但过去几周我们有很多员工和学生生病. 保持健康!

    对于任何你可以避免或推迟的缺勤(约会、假期等).) -- I’ve heard a few teacher teams talking about the impact of student absences and tardies recently. 当一个或多个学生错过了所教的概念, 合伙人工作开始或结束, 完成作业的时间, 甚至是学生迟到的时候, finding a way to keep things going for students who were present and simultaneously catching students up is quite challenging. 你所做的一切都是为了让学生每天准时来这里,我很感激.

    提醒一下,我们的网站委员会对家长和看护人的自我提名一直开放到周二, 5月28日. 这是 link,这是链接到 海豚消化 更多亚洲博彩平台工地委员会的信息.



  • 校长寄语05/03/2024


    我们今天有一个可爱的一年级游行! 感谢我们整个社区,包括我们的一年级学生, 他们的创造性, 有组织的, 坚定的教师, 凯洛格乐队当然还有, 应具有的! It was so much fun seeing our whole community out together celebrating children and families… the theme of the floats!

    寻求新的或继续Arleta网站理事会成员! 阿尔莱塔遗址委员会选举程序每两年举行一次. 请在这里注明你的兴趣—— 家长/照顾者自我提名表格


    校址委员会由教师组成, 父母, non-certified员工, 管理员和社区成员. 没有先决条件! We’re looking for 父母 and community members who want to be part of improving the Arleta community for the benefit of our children, 强调学生的学习. 成员们通过提供想法和意见积极参与, 自愿参与行动项目,甚至是促进或共同促进.


    Our goal is a site council representative and inclusive of the diversity within our school community. 会议是每月一次:今年我们在第一个星期三的5:30-6:30在线会议. We'll set meeting times and days with our new and/or whichever returning members who will make up our next Site Council membership.


    利用一个叫做“改进科学”的过程,我们确定了一个高杠杆问题, 制定行动计划, 衡量我们行动的影响, 然后展开动作, 或者根据它是否会带来改进来修改它. 我们确定了Arleta全校扫盲机会差距的目标, specifically interrupting barriers to strong reading achievement outcomes for our Historically Underserved students. We decided to support a love of reading and the joy of stories and reading to support increased literacy. We enacted our community-wide “Special Stories” project which you hopefully have been able to enjoy at school; if not, 来看看! Our next step is measuring and deciding whether to extend or enhance the project, or to adjust it.



  • 校长寄语04/05/2024


    提醒一下,由于我们的新 日历 变化.

    这周,户外学习的亮点来自于. 赫德伦德和阿尔莱塔的暑期节目信息.

    我们的幼儿园团队致力于让学习变得真正有趣! 这段简短的视频向我们展示了一种方法, 通过真正地参与我们最年轻的学习者的思想和身体. 看一看: 在Arleta户外玩耍.

    夏季加速学院, PPS员工与SUN或其他伙伴机构合办的暑期学习计划是什么, 已经决定用Arleta作为今年夏天的避暑胜地了吗. 符合条件的Arleta学生, 以及来自伍德斯托克的学生, Marysville和Lent都有资格, are receiving invitations via email this past week (Historically Underserved students have priority registration this week) and next week. Students who qualify are K-2 students who are below grade level in word recognition and phonics according to their MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) winter Fluency Assessment and 3-5 students between the 1st and 40th percentile on comprehension score according to their winter MAP Growth assessment. 注册将于7月1日至8月1日开放给SAA.

    The reason Arleta was chosen is that the other three school locations are closed for construction and/or repair this summer. 不幸的是,由于空间不足,SUN将无法提供夏季节目. Ms. Raina and I tried to find a way for both programs to be offered concurrently because we know how much our families and students love SUN Summer Camps. 我们真的很抱歉. 我们确实希望符合SAA资格的学生家庭能够利用它. Raina和. 谢伊将支持这个项目, 这是一个掌握未完成的学习的好机会.

    其他选项: 这是一个 link 在6月26日至8月17日期间通过波特兰公园和娱乐中心提供的所有其他夏季节目. 注册于5月13日开放,很可能会被填满. 请将2024年5月13日保存在您的日历中!


  • 校长寄语03/22/2024


    今天我们举行了一个非常棒的全校大会! 目的是为了庆祝我们在Arleta的神经分化群体, 同时在阿尔莱塔建立一个神经分化的肯定社区. 由两位四年级领导主持, Hazel和Vivi, 包括我们员工的声音和观点, 接受学生Reid和Ethan的采访, 而且是独一无二的, 来自我们许多学生的有意义和有益的贡献和见解. Getting to listen to and experience our own student’s gifts and perspectives as they shared and led our growth as a community was so special and touching. 和, the leadership and contributions of our joint parent and staff planning team and our staff contributors was also incredibly meaningful and powerful. 这次集会被录了下来(谢谢)!),并会上载至我们的网页 独特的家长会 网站在未来几周的某个时候!

    昨天,我们的线上博彩平台气候小组对员工进行了评估, student and community feedback and has chosen Caring School Community as our Social Emotional Learning resource for next year and going forward. The reason we chose CSC is because our intention is to build a sense of belonging in our Arleta Community. 通过对课程进行优先排序, cohesive scope and sequence we aim to cultivate a supportive atmosphere that grows from grade to grade. 这种方法支持学生成长,因为他们感到被重视, 理解, 并被授权在学术上茁壮成长, 社会, 和情感上. The structure of Caring School Community supports our need for a Tier 1 (whole school) system that nurtures essential life skills such as conflict resolution, 沟通, 建立跨年级的关系(跨年龄伙伴), 情绪调节, 团队合作. Embracing the Caring School Community curriculum reflects our commitment to cultivating well-rounded individuals who feel they are an essential part of our community and are equipped with the empathy and understanding necessary to contribute positively to our community.


    • 连接到监管区域,这是我们已经在使用的工具
    • 连接我们的和平之路
    • 跨年龄伙伴的活动
    • 关注学生
    • 全校团结一致,分享周五选择时间的经验
    • 合作学习结构


    **在这张便条上,提醒大家早上8点在教室开始上课.m., so students should be arriving prior to that, at 7:40 for breakfast or at 7:52 for the first bell. 学生们应该在早上8点准备好上课.m. 什么时候迟到铃响.





  • 注册幼稚园
    9月6日前满5岁的儿童. 我打算去附近的线上博彩平台上学

    pps.网/kinderenroll. 整个过程需要20-30分钟,线上博彩平台工作人员会在夏天晚些时候跟进

    线上博彩平台停课, 在线注册是最简单的选择, 但纸质版的选择很快就会出现

    电子邮件 enrollment-office@pps.网

    你不需要注册 如果你的孩子参加了PPS学前教育项目, 你已经提前注册过幼儿园了

