欢迎 to 线上博彩平台

  • 使命宣言

    We provide rigorous, high-quality academic learning experiences that are inclusive and joyful. We disrupt racial inequities to create vibrant environments for every student to demonstrate excellence. 

    线上博彩平台, founded in 1851, is a PK-12 urban school district in 俄勒冈州的波特兰. 超过44个,81所线上博彩平台的1000名学生, it is one of the largest school districts in the Pacific Northwest.

    With highly trained teachers and staff; an engaged parent community; strong partnerships, and a focus on closing the racial educational achievement gap, PPS has seen significant gains in its graduation rate and has enjoyed steady enrollment growth. 多亏了州立法机关, 线上博彩平台资金正在改善, 感谢波特兰的选民, a PPS 校舍改善保证书 is now fueling the modernization of our aging school buildings for 21st century learning.

    • 职业生涯的学习: PPS has more than doubled Career Technical Education offerings in recent years, which show a direct link to its rising graduation rate. 欲知详情,请浏览 CTE/职业道路网页.
    • 语言浸没式: The district's growing 双语 Immersion program is closing the racial educational achievement gap and improving reading achievement in native and non-native speakers alike, according to a 2015 national study. One in 10 PPS students is in an immersion program. 欲知详情,请浏览 DLI网页.
    • 幼儿教育:在PPS内, we currently offer preschool and prekindergarten classes to almost 1,000名3岁和4岁的学生. Some of these classrooms are grouped into early childhood centers, while others are situated within PK-5 or PK-8 buildings. To learn more about our early childhood programs and how to apply, please visit our 幼儿园 & 早期学习网页.
    • 艺术: The Portland Arts Tax now guarantees arts education for all elementary students and is fueling the alignment of K through 12 programs in such disciplines as orchestra and dance. 欲知详情,请浏览 PPS艺术网站.
    • 体育运动: The Portland Interscholastic League has expanded into the middle grades with its Youth Sports Program, building strong athletic programs from 6th through 12th grade. 欲知详情,请浏览 公益诉讼的网站.

    线上博彩平台 is headquartered in the Prophet Education Center (PEC), located across from the Moda Center in North Portland.

    501 N. 迪克逊街 
    波特兰,OR 97227


    联系人: 503-916-2000, 电子邮件
    有规律: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.星期一至星期五

事实 & 数字2023 - 24

线上博彩平台 enrollment and demographic data
招生 数据
地区线上博彩平台 42,305
社区项目 759
特别服务计划 376
公立特许线上博彩平台 1,331
总计 44,771
拉丁美洲裔 17.8%
黑色的 8.3%
亚洲 5.7%
美洲原住民/阿拉斯加原住民 0.5%
太平洋岛民 0.8%
白色 54.6%
多种族-亚洲/白人 5.5%
多种族-其他祖先 6.8%
Receive English as a Second Language 服务 9.5%
Eligible for free meals via Direct Certification 31.3%
Receive 特殊教育 服务 16.6%
小学 45
K-8 10
中学 15
高中 10
K-12 1
总计 81*
*PPS students also attend the 头开始 幼儿教育 program, 6个社区项目, 5所特许线上博彩平台, 2个备选方案, 还有7个特别服务项目
员工 数字
前提(分类) 108
DCU之后(分类) 94
Licensed School Based Administrators 191
Licensed Non-School Based Administrators 55
Non-Represented 495
帕特 3,587
PFSP(分类) 1,347
工会(分类) 520
高级领导 45
Substitutes (Administrators, Paraeducators, Secretaries, Educators) 874
其他(每小时 & 有限的计算) 884
总计 8,200